5 Easy homemade lemon face masks to get clear skin

lemon face packs

Lemon is a pantry staple that is known for its different health benefits. Filled with Vitamin C, lemon promotes healthy skincare. Try these 5 homemade lemon face masks to get clear skin. 

Benefits of lemon for skin

1. Boosts collagen production

Collagen is a protein naturally present in our bodies. If collagen levels decline, our skin starts to look dull and old. It can also cause wrinkles, fine lines, and signs of aging. Lemon contains Vitamin C that boosts collagen production.

2. Heals acne 

Citrus fruits like lemon have antibacterial and astringent qualities. Due to its low pH level, it helps lower inflammation that prevents acne and pimples. Citric acid also clears dead skin cells that may lead to the build-up of acne bacteria. 

3. Regulates oil 

Lemon also balances the oil production in our skin. It manages the excessive sebum build up that may clog pores. You can get smooth, glowing skin.

4. Brightens skin 

Lemon has so many wonderful advantages like it brightens dull and dusty skin. It even fights oxidative stress that may cause the skin to look tiresome. Citric acid also prevents free radical damage.

Homemade lemon face packs

Lemon and honey face pack

Honey is known to add moisture to dry, sad skin. You can try this two ingredient face pack to keep the skin hydrated but not oily.


  1. 1 tbsp lemon juice
  2. 1tbsp honey 


  1. Mix 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp honey in a bowl. 
  2. Wash your face and apply the mix to your face. 
  3. Wash it after 30 minutes.

Lemon and papaya face mask

Papaya is rich in Vitamin A that helps replenish damaged skin. It even delays the signs of aging like saggy skin, wrinkles, etc. 


  1. 1 tbsp lemon juice
  2. 1 tbsp dried papaya powder
  3. 1 tbsp of ripe papaya pulp 
  4. 1 tbsp honey 


  1. Add all three ingredients together in a bowl. Stir them to make a paste. 
  2. Apply the paste on a clean face and let it sit for 15 mins. 
  3. Rinse with water.

Lemon and aloe vera face mask

Aloe vera has hydrating and healing properties. It is perfect for beachy, sunny days. Aloe vera can even heal sunburns, spots, and marks. 


  1. 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
  2. 1 tbsp aloe vera


  1. In a bowl, add these two elements. Mix well. 
  2. Apply this to your face. 
  3. Leave it for 10 mins and wash it off. 

Lemon and coffee face pack

Coffee is an excellent antioxidant. Combined with lemon, it can help get rid of body tan. And not to forget its anti-aging properties that can reduce dark circles, etc. 


  1. 1 tbsp coffee
  2. 1 tbsp lemon juice 


  1. Take a bowl and add 1 tbsp of coffee and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Mix well. 
  2. Apply the paste to your face and rinse it off after 15 mins.

Lemon and olive oil

Olive oil is an antioxidant that fights free radical damage. It even increases collagen in the skin. Olive oil also tightens open pores. 


  1. ½ tbsp lemon juice
  2. 1 tbsp olive oil 


  1. Pour 1 tbsp olive oil and half tbsp lemon juice into a bowl. 
  2. Stir well and apply to the face. 
  3. Let it sit for 15 mins and rinse off.